By Georgia Seymour-Smith

How my Endometriosis Diagnosis Led me To Starting a Vibrator Brand

I know what you’re thinking. How do vibrators have anything to do with endometriosis? Although, vibes may conjure images of the sex industry and that oh too awkward encounter you had with the bottom of your parents sock drawer when you were a kid, they’re so much more than that. The health benefits of using vibes extend much further than an orgasm. And there’s some pretty cool science to prove it. But let’s start at the beginning. 

Hi! I’m Georgia, founder of O Blooms. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had super painful periods. I heard people complain about their period pain, but I didn’t see many of my friends being completely debilitated (like, can’t-get-out-of-bed debilitated) by their periods. I saw a doctor about it early on in my journey, but was told ‘it’s completely normal, there’s nothing wrong with you’.

When I became sexually-active, I wondered what all the hype was about. It was so painful. Why were all my friend’s talking about how incredible it felt when I spent the whole time in pain? Was that what sex was meant to be like? Little did I know that everything would be revealed a few years later… 

One morning, I woke up and went to work like I always did. But half way through the day I started to experience a pain in my abdomen I had never felt before. It was excruciating. I couldn’t make it through the day….I ended up having to go to the ER. Appendicitis. 

I had to have emergency surgery to remove my appendix. It was really scary. And lucky me, I woke up from that surgery with a new diagnosis… endometriosis. 

I didn’t know much about endometriosis. The doctors told me that they had found it all over my bladder, uterus and bowel. Well, I soon learnt that endometriosis is when the tissue inside the uterus grows outside the uterus. This causes a whole range of issues, from heavy periods, painful periods and pain when having sex. Although this was not the diagnosis I wanted to hear, it gave me clarity on what was happening to me and why I had felt so much pain all these years. 

Okay, so how does this all lead to me starting a vibrator brand? Well, something I’ve learnt in my endo journey is that vibrators (and orgasms) can actually help with a lot of endo symptoms. 

If you’re experiencing painful sex, external vibrators are a game changer. Endo causes a lot of inflammation inside your body and when you mix this with penetrative sex it can be incredibly painful. There was a time I thought I would never enjoy sex again. And then I learnt about external vibes. These vibes allow you to feel good (like, really good), without the pain that comes with penetration. External vibes have completely transformed my sex life. 

External vibes are a match made in heaven for periods. Internal vibes, although still fun, can get a little bit messy when you’re on your period. With external vibes, you can go to self-pleasure paradise without even having to remove your tampon. 

Did you know orgasms can actually help with period pain? Yep. It’s scientifically proven. Vaginal orgasms stimulate your whole body. An orgasm can trigger your brain to release neurotransmitters like endorphins and oxytocin. These chemicals can help decrease the perception of pain. Pretty cool, right?

As someone with endometriosis, I didn’t believe that I could ever have a positive relationship with sex. It was all too often associated with pain. Vibes have helped me change that relationship. The idea for O Blooms came about because I wanted women to have better options when it came to self-pleasure. Gone are the days where we’re destined to use big, clunky vibrators. O Blooms is designed to be discreet, yet powerful. A vibe you can be proud to have on your bedside table. O Blooms is so much more than just vibrators. We’re pioneering a movement for better sexual wellness. 



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